Best Shoes for Women with Strong Pronation – Supportive Outsoles, Firm Heel Counters, and Straight Lasts!


Editor’s Note: This post has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy on May 2022 and reflects an up-to-date selection of the best shoes for women with strong pronation.

Have you been experiencing foot or leg pain and been diagnosed with strong pronation (overpronation)? Are you having a hard time performing the daily activities that you used to enjoy? Certain shoes can help significantly reduce or fully eliminate your foot or leg pain by improving your foot posture and walking gait.

I suggest looking for shoes that offer supportive outsoles, firm heel counters, and straight lasts to help prevent the excessive inward rolling of the foot (strong pronation). The correct types of shoes can help lower the risk of injury and discomfort by using supportive elements on the inner side of the foot, right where the biggest impact happens.

So, before you decide to try a pair of orthotics or a more invasive alternative to treat your foot pain, I usually recommend to start by trying shoes with substantial outsoles, firm heel counters, and straight lasts.

By the way, if you are unsure whether you have mild, moderate, or strong pronation, I suggest that you take a look at a different resource I created:

Women with Pronation – Find Out the Degree of Your Pronation

Before you take a look at the specific shoes I recommend to help treat and prevent strong pronation, I suggest that we retrieve your exact foot length and shape. It’s important to note that if the shoes don’t fit the shape of your feet correctly, you won’t get any of the benefits that the shoes have to offer.

If you already know your exact foot length and shape you can scroll down to see a selection of the best shoes for women with strong pronation. However, if you have any doubts about your foot length or shape I suggest that you read the paragraph below so we can make sure that you order the shoe in the correct size.

Are You 100% Sure You Know Your Exact Foot Size?

Your foot shape and size can change over time, and some of the factors that contribute to this change are pregnancy, aging and weight gain or loss. Over time and because of gravity, our feet might get longer and wider.

As we age, the body’s ligaments and tendons lose their strength and ability to spring back. This means that our arches decrease, which flattens and lengthens the foot and toes.

This often results in an increase in shoe size by a half-size or more. You might also experience a change in foot width, meaning that even though you always ordered medium width shoes now you might have to start ordering wider shoes.

Don’t insist on getting your shoes in a specific size simply because that has been the size that they always wore. I usually have to insist to them that they need to at least try the shoes in a different size to see how they feel.

Buying shoes online can be a challenge. If you are unsure of your current foot shape or foot length, I suggest that you take a look at a free resource I created where I help women determine their exact foot shape from home:

How to Measure Your Foot Shoe Size – The Most Simple and Effective Way!

It’s important to note that the only way to get the full benefits that the shoes have to offer is by wearing the shoes in the correct size. Shoes that are too short, too long, too wide, or too narrow might even aggravate your foot condition or create new ones such as blisters, calluses, or corns.

You should also check if there is a specialized shoe store in your area as they will do a great job helping you find the proper shoes in the correct size.

What Makes the Shoes I Recommend Ideal for Women with Strong Pronation?

There are three features that the shoes I recommend provide that make them ideal for women with strong pronation:

☑️ Supportive Outsoles: This feature helps reduce the impact that your feet take every time they come in contact with the ground, and relieves the stress on your feet and legs. In addition, shoes that provide good arch support will help prevent the excessive inward rolling of the foot. This feature can also help improve your foot posture and overall walking gait. Take a look at the image below for better visualization purposes:


☑️ Firm Heel Counters: This feature helps cushion and protect your heels and ankles by supporting them. You should always press on the back part of the shoes (heel counter) and make sure that it feels firm and sturdy. Take a look at the image below to better visualize where the heel counter of the shoe is located:


☑️ Straight Lasts: Shoes might have a straight or curved last. Straight last shoes help move your feet in a straighter position. Take a look at the image below for better visualization purposes:


What a Difference the Correct Types of Shoes Can Make!

Let’s take a look at a picture of a woman with flat feet standing barefoot. Do you notice how her feet are collapsing and turning inwards?


Now let’s take a look at a picture of the same woman wearing two different pairs of shoes.

Before Image

The first picture shows a woman wearing a pair of unsupportive shoes made by Nike. Do you notice how her feet are still pronating and turning inwards?


After Image

A shoe with sufficient arch and ankle support will prevent this woman’s feet from collapsing. Let me prove it to you!

Let’s take a look at a picture of the same woman wearing a pair of supportive shoes made by Asics. Do you notice how her feet look are a lot straighter? This specific shoe style provides a substantial outsole, firm heel counter, and straight last.


Wow! What a difference the correct types of shoes can make!

Now that you know your exact foot length and shape and what features your shoes must provide to help treat your strong pronation, let’s tale a look at a selection of the best shoes for women with strong pronation. Disclosure: Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases.

Best Shoes for Women with Strong Pronation ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

These shoes are available in different widths such as narrow (N), medium (M), wide (W), and extra wide (XW), to make sure they will fit any type of foot shape. Simply take a look below the image of each shoe to check if that specific style can fit the shape of your feet.

What Shoe Size Should You Order?

Take a look at the description below the shoes that I recommended to find out what shoe size you should order.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you are unsure about which specific shoe style will work best for your foot shape or foot condition:

If after trying any of the shoes I recommend for 3 months your foot or leg pain is not significantly reduced or fully eliminated, then you should consult your physical or occupational therapist and/or consider using an orthotic.

Orthotics for Women with Strong Pronation

There will be certain cases in which a pair of shoes might not be enough to correct your strong pronation and you might need extra support inside the shoes. In this case, your physical or occupational therapist might also recommend an orthotic to be fitted inside the shoes for extra support.

Orthotics are shoe inserts that are specifically designed to offer cushioning, support, stability, and relieve pressure in particular areas of the foot.

There is an orthotic that I have fitted before that is specifically designed to provide good arch and ankle support. It will also provide biomechanics alignment by preventing overpronation and correcting your ankles (making them straighter).

If you want to learn more about the best orthotics for women with strong pronation, I suggest that you take a look at a different article I wrote called:

The Best Women’s Orthotics for Overpronation; Supportive, Comfortable, Durable, and Affordable!

Have you found a particular shoe style that was worked well for you in helping treat your strong pronation? Kindly share your thoughts and comments in the section below so we can all benefit from them!

Do You Buy Your Shoes Online?

Subscribe and get my personalized shoe size chart for free to help you find what size to order online.

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